Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hello world! I have revamped my blog. It was originally going to be a place where I could post samples of stories or ideas I have been working on. I have decided since than to change it up and just make it a personal blog.
Just updating what I am doing and what I am working on, whatever floats through my head basically.

Currently, I am not doing much. I am back living with my mom. I am trying to get my things back from my ex. Once I have my stuff back, it's back to looking for a job and possibly applying for college to pick up where I left off.
Since my ex dumped me almost a month ago now. I have had a lot of time to think and decide what I want to do with my life now.
before when I was with him, I wanted to get a job, get married, go back to college etc. I guess it occurred to him that wasn't what he wanted anymore (even though 2 days before he dumped me, he told me he wanted those things for us) anyways!
I am taking it one day at a time. trying to just get my stuff back (which has stressed me out completely)
I have been doing a lot of writing and reading and just generally staying busy. so busy in fact that I rarely sleep. I feel like that guy in the movie "cash back". So I've had to start taking something that makes me sleepy at night.
Other wise I stay up for hours on Stumble upon and watch episodes of Buffy and Doctor who all night.
yay! mediocrity!

I have been coming up with several ideas on what to do with my seemingly endless amounts of free time. I have started planning theme weekends, to give my bff and I time to hang out(she is busy with college so, weekends seem the best)
so I am basically going to pick a theme and we will watch movies and possibly even eat food based around that theme.
since will Halloween coming up, I will probably end up doing horror movies the next couple of weeks, Once we actually start this thing. She has been busy, I have been exhausted most days.
it's been a mess of phone calls and rescheduling.
Anywho, we'll see where that goes.
For now I will say goodbye, I actually wanted to go and get in some bike riding since it's so nice out, don't want to miss out on the fall weather because afterwards comes the 5 months of winter weather. gross.
